“You have to wait for the falling tide.”

—Arthur C. Brooks, faculty member of the Harvard Business School

Image from Unsplash by Aidan Hodel

As a young boy, Arthur Brooks was fishing along the shore without success. After a while an elderly fisherman from the area came along, and noticed his frustration that nothing was biting.

Today’s quote was the wisdom offered, indicating that when the tide recedes is when all the plankton and bait fish gets stirred up, making the game fish crazy and willing to bite at everything.

How might this idea relate to your life?

Where do the tides in your personal and professional worlds seem to be headed out to sea?

How could this be a time where things are getting stirred up with new possibilities to catch a big one?


Where in your life are the falling tides offer you some new fertile opportunities?

How can you avoid the mistake of not having your line in the water?