My wish for you is that you continue

“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. The effect you have on other’s lives is the highest expression of your own.”

Maya Angelou, in a letter to her daughter

 Image from Wikipedia

Maya Angelou was an American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years.

Among her many awards and honors are:

  • 50 honorary degrees from prestigious institutions
  • The presidential medal of freedom (2010) — the highest civilian honor in the U.S.
  • National Medal of Arts (2000)
  • Three Grammy awards for her spoken word albums
  • Induction into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1998

Given today’s quote, I bet she was an outstanding mother and coach for her daughter through her many positive examples, and of course, her brilliant words.


In what ways can the words and deeds of Maya Angelou inspire you to lead a life of greater service and significance?

Help. Other. People. Evolve.

Help. Other. People. Evolve. (HOPE)

—Author Unknown

Photo from Flickr by GotCredit

Photo from Flickr by GotCredit

One of the main reasons I enjoy the coaching profession is that it is a very hopeful way of relating with others. We are constantly exploring new and different approaches to better our lives and have a more fulfilling future.

To this end, I encourage you to pursue the two-way street of being a coach for others and having a variety of coaches to support your own evolving life.


Identify one of your unique abilities or special talents and share it with someone in your world who could benefit.

Select a specific area of growth and development you most desire. Secure a coach, mentor, or other individual to support your progress in this area.

Repeat this exercise often.

“A Teacher Affects…”

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

—Henry Brooks Adams, American historian and member of the Adams political family

Photo from Flickr by Anne Adrian

Photo from Flickr by Anne Adrian

Among the core values explored and discussed with my clients is their fundamental desire and passion to contribute to the lives of others.

When we examine the wide variety of roles each of them play in their professional and personal worlds, the opportunities seem limitless.

Who are the teachers, mentors, coaches, and other life supporters who have made the biggest difference in your life? Where have you noticed yourself “paying forward” valuable lessons to those whom you care about?


Where and with whom can you share your knowledge, wisdom, and life lessons to influence the lives of others, and more fully realize your unique contribution to eternity?

“Be there for others but never leave yourself behind.”

“Be there for others but never leave yourself behind.”

-Author unknown

Examine all the roles you currently hold in your personal and professional worlds. If you are like many people, you may have to use toes as well as your fingers to count everything.

In what percent of these roles are you serving and supporting others? If you find the number approaching 80, 90, or even 100 percent, consider how much energy you have at days end for the most important person in your life – YOU!

There is wisdom in the flight attendant pre-flight instruction:
 Please put on your own oxygen mask before you assist others.


Take some time today to be a bit more “Self-ISH” (not selfish) by taking care of your own well-being and not leaving yourself behind, so that you can be your very best as you serve the people and organizations in your community.

The 500th Quote From The Quotable Coach – Enjoy and Share!

“People give one another things that can’t be gift-wrapped.”

— Nadine Gordimer, South African novelist

500Image from Flickr by kelly.sikkema

Today marks a landmark on The Quotable Coach’s journey. The adventure began two years ago and today we’ve reached the milestone of our 500th post. (We couldn’t find a cake with 500 candles though!)

We’ve only scratched the surface of the nuggets of wisdom that have been given to us by so many insightful and remarkable people of the past and present.


If some of the best things in life are not things, what gifts do you have to give to others in your life?

Please consider sharing the gift of The Quotable Coach series as one option.

With sincerest thanks,

Barry Demp

“I quote others only to better express myself.”

“I quote others only to better express myself.”

– Michel de Montaigne, essayist and founder of modern skepticism

I have been writing The Quotable Coach series for over a year. A critical reason why I am (and perhaps you are) attracted to these insights and pearls of wisdom are thoughts such as:

  • I never saw it that way before.”
  • “That’s an interesting perspective.”
  • “Wow, that’s deep.”
  • And my favorite: “I wish I’d said that!”

The Quotable Coach format has helped me dig a bit deeper each day into my own voice and perspectives on a wide array of subjects as I look to better navigate my own life and assist others.


Visit the archives of The Quotable Coach series and select a small number of quotes that best express your own beliefs.

Consider creating a small display of these in your own world to enhance the expression of these messages in your day to day activities and relationships.

“We write to taste life twice: in the moment and in retrospection.”

“We write to taste life twice: in the moment and in retrospection.”

– Anais Nin, author

One of the habits that both supports and expedites results achieved during a coaching relationship is journaling.

Using some form of log book to capture tools used, lessons learned, and insights revealed is like doing more reps at the gym or taking extra practice sessions in your favorite sport to build greater muscle memory and mastery.


Consider purchasing a journal or notebook to capture the significant events that occur throughout your day. Feel free to use digital methods as well.

Experiment with selecting different times during the day to see what works best for you. Some of my clients place this notebook on their pillow to download their day and empty their minds before bed. Others place their journal on their office chair and reflect on the previous day before they begin the new one.

Feel free to reply to this email and let me know what works well for you.

“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”

“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”

– Samuel Johnson, author, literary critic and lexicographer

When I first set out on the journey to begin writing The Quotable Coach, over a year ago, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. My initial success at blogging for the previous 18 months, based on readership, was modest at best.

Through the receiving of critical feedback, and now with almost 700 daily subscribers, we seem to have stumbled onto a format with content that, as Johnson suggests, helps people move forward and enjoy their lives a bit more (and also, at times, navigate obstacles and challenges).


Please consider partnering with me at this time by sharing the ideas and exercises found within The Quotable Coach series with others in your personal and professional life. (Perhaps you could forward them a quote you particularly enjoyed, or direct them to The Quotable Coach website.)

With sincere appreciation,

Barry Demp

“A ‘coach’ remains something or someone who carries a valued person from where they are to where they want to be.”

“A ‘coach’ remains something or someone who carries a valued person from where they are to where they want to be.”

– Kevin Hall, writer

Someone I admire once mentioned to me that when we define something, we limit it, and when we distinguish something, we open up the possibilities of what it can be.

Hall, in this quote, appears to be defining the word “coach” as either a person, or an event or thing that helps you go from where you are to where you want to be. The attribute of “caring for another” is also inherent in his understanding of the word.


Who are the people in your life that act as support structures for you, helping you to get where you want to be?

What are the things in your world that also act as supportive coaches and assist and support your journey?

Make some efforts this week to both acknowledge the coaches and to expand this list beyond its current scope.

Quotching: Coaching Through Powerful and Inspiring Quotes

I just got back from a conference where we were encouraged to create new and different approaches to accomplish our goals.

One thing we learned is that to create a strong brand, it’s helpful to have your own unique word. Given my love of quotes and my love of coaching, I came up with the word quotching, which is simply coaching through the use of powerful and inspiring quotes.

I have registered the domain and will be creating a site there.

Your Help Needed!

The Quotable Coach currently has over 600 subscribers, but I want to get these 30-second nuggets of inspiration and motivation out there for an even larger audience.

If you were me, what creative, innovate, or novel approaches would you use to bring these 250+ quotes (so far) to more people?

Please leave a comment below to let me know your ideas.